Features provided by PostgreSQL as a back-end

Build apps quickly with your data stored in the external datasource and use DrapCode as a 100% frontend builder.

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Relational Database

Like MySQL, PostgreSQL is a relational database system that organizes data into tables with rows and columns.

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ACID Compliance

PostgreSQL is ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) compliant, ensuring data integrity and consistency .

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Data Security

Utilise sophisticated image processing, encryption, and compression techniques to safely store files.

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Advanced Data Types

PostgreSQL offers built-in data types, including numeric, string, date and time, array, JSON, XML, and geometric data types.

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Concurrency Control

PostgreSQL provides robust concurrency control mechanisms, including multi-version concurrency control (MVCC).

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Indexes and Optimization

PostgreSQL supports various indexing techniques to optimize query performance, including B-tree, hash, GiST, SP-GiST, and GIN indexes.

Features provided by DrapCode as a front-end

Using DrapCode as a 100% frontend builder.

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Code Export

Design a website on drapCode and you can easily export the source code once you are done making it.

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Customizable UI

We provide pre-built templates and features to promote loads of customization.

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Enterprise Grade Standard

We offers enterprise-grade standards, ensuring a reliable and scalable platform for building robust solutions

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A single instance of the application made on Drapcode can serve multiple customers.

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Custom HTML and CSS

If you are interested in coding, you can use javascript, custom HTML, and CSS to make your own website.

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Drag & Drop

You only need to drag & drop components into the builder to start creating your own website.

Start Building your web app today

Don't worry about coding. Build your app the no-code way.

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