Features provided by Xata as a back-end

Build apps quickly with your data stored in the external datasource and use DrapCode as a 100% frontend builder.

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Serverless Postgres

Every database is a Postgres environment that is completely maintained. dependable, expandable, and economical.

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Schema Migrations

Xata makes schema migration a walk in the park.

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Data Security

Safely append files, including documents, photos, binaries, and more, straight to a database entry.

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Generative AI

Store vector embeddings and ask your data questions

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Data migrations

Branch your data and perform migrations in GitHub.

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Built on open source

Schema migrations use pgroll, an open source command-line tool created by Xata, for Postgres databases.

Features provided by DrapCode as a front-end

Using DrapCode as a 100% frontend builder.

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Code Export

Design a website on drapCode and you can easily export the source code once you are done making it.

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Customizable UI

We provide pre-built templates and features to promote loads of customization.

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No Code

Building a front end requires no prior programming knowledge.

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A single instance of the application made on Drapcode can serve multiple customers.

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Self Hosting

You can easily deploy and host website using Drapcode.

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Multiple Environment

Enable multiple environments such as Sandbox, QA, Pre-Prod to test your application before making it live for end users.

Start Building your web app today

Don't worry about coding. Build your app the no-code way.

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